Warren B. Malone talking about Directing & stuff after the cast & crew screening of Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher @ Shortwave
Filmmaker Ben Hecking, 1st AD on Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher talking about it at the Cast & Crew screening @ Shortwave
Interview at @ Shortwave with Warren B. Malone talking about where his short film Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher came from. www.forgivingyourpeteacher.com
Interview at @ Shortwave, 10 Bermondsey Square, London SE1 3UN with Liz Richardson star of Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher, after the cast and crew screening. www.forgivingyourpeteacher.com
Warren B. Malone talking about crewing up & casting for his short film Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher, especially why Ben ended up as !st AD!
Kim Davies talking about doing the hair, make-up & styling on the short film Forgiving Your P.E Teacher. www.forgivingyourpeteacher.com
Interview at @ Shortwave, 10 Bermondsey Square, London SE1 3UN with Matt Bailey star of Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher, after the cast and crew screening. www.forgivingyourpeteacher.com Spoiler Alert! DO NOT watch this until after you've seen the film!
Linda Cairns talking about her multiple roles on the short film Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher. www.forgivingyourpeteacher.com
Interview at @ Shortwave, 10 Bermondsey Square, London SE1 3UN with Simon Josiffe writer of Forgiving Your P.E. Teacher, after the cast and crew screening. www.forgivingyourpeteacher.com Spoiler Alert! DO NOT watch this until after you've seen the film!