Forgiving your P.E. Teacher

A short film about doing the right thing

Director: Warren B. Malone
Length: 14mins
Location: Epping Forest
Status: Complete
Genre: Drama



Wrapped up against the chill morning, a young woman walks purposefully down a country lane.  Pensive, she passes the gravestones of the village churchyard; looking for one, newly dug, grave in particular.  She finds it, looks down at it with contempt, “Wanker!”.  

Suzi takes a packet of cigarettes out of her battered handbag, pulls one out, puts it back, then puts them back in her bag.  She turns to walk off but hesitates.  She hasn’t finished what she came here for yet.  Trembling, she gets the cigarettes out again, tries to open the packet but drops them.  Irritated, she bends down to pick them up.  Suddenly, a man is at her shoulder and she jumps in fright.

He’s tall, dark, handsome… and apologetic about scaring her.  It’s tense though, standing looking at this grave with a stranger.  It’s the grave of her old P.E. teacher from school, she meekly admits.  She needs to talk about it, to tell someone what happened that day 15 years ago when he totally humiliated her; a day she’s never really got over. 

The stranger listens as she pours it all out, charming and disarming her, encouraging her.  But what can she do about it now?  Her tormentor is dead and buried.

This is a story about the desire for revenge; about how hard it is to forgive.

Cast & CREW

matt bailey as Luke
liz richardson as Suzi

director / producer    -    warren b malone
writer    -    simon josiffe
dop    -    justin brown  
editor    -    jonathan eric tyrrell
1st ad    -    ben hecking
focus puller / data wrangler    -    david bird
lighting assistant    -    hans lucas        
additional editing    -    patrick stein
titles & credits    -        andre lucato
sound recordist    -    jennifer chislett
sound design    -    tony berriman    
make-up / hair / styling    -    kim davies     
designer    -    fernanda gavito
continuity / stills / production asst    -    craig glasscock
props / costume / production asst    -    linda cairns
production assistant    -    sebastian derwisinski
production assistant    -    david chamberlain
assistant producer    -    colette flanagan
casting    -    brendan mcnamara
official cheerleader & catering    -    lucy ivison
music: this is not what you’d expect    -    jim and pat garrett show

special thanks to:
michelle at the observatory studios
drew at coptic street studios
kate, rachel, david, greg & colette for their help with casting
everyone who helped with the script, including the actors, lucy, ben, david & the
“off the page” writers group
jane begley, martin webster, david driscoll & all at holy innocent’s church, high beech
sam & adam at decode